March 7 at 7 pm meeting and webinar:
What DNA Tells Us About History
Our topic will be the amazing research on the genetics of the world’s population. There is much evidence indicating that the world’s population came from three unrelated females mating with three sons of one father. Further the genetic clock involved indicates that this small group started procreating about 4500 years ago, not millions of years ago. Wow, this data fits the Bible’s narrative very well! But are there other ways of interpreting the evidence? How does this genetic information relate to the presentation Dr. McIntosh made this past month? What other questions does this evidence raise?
Join us for the next few months as we examine this body of knowledge and some closely related topics. Join us for the adventure of learning and discovery.
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GHCA Usually meets in person in the Reception Room of Houston’s First, The Loop, at 7401 Katy Frwy, Houston TX 77024. See the map in the right sidebar. Or attend online by the registration link in our newsletter. Subscribe in the right sidebar. →
February’s recording of Professor Andy McIntosh‘s presentation titled The Fingerprint of Intelligence – Thermodynamics and Information has been posted on our VIDEOS page here. This is well worth viewing, or even again.
Dr. McIntosh is a professor Emeritus of Thermodynamics at Leeds University, UK and Adjunct Prof. at Liberty U. in the USA. Dr. McIntosh travels the world speaking primarily on creation science issues. Dr. McIntosh is both authoritative and highly engaging.