February 11 at 7pm
Webinar link Here (2/11/21 7pm)
What Happened to Intelligent Design ?
Many interested in creation science have not paid much attention to the Intelligent design movement that started in the 1990s for a variety of reasons. But the ID movement is having great success challenging the atheistic people in the science community to think more seriously about the proposition that the presence of intelligent design in many natural things implies the work of an intelligent designer. The ongoing success of the ID movement has an important impact on the success of evangelism of educated people in the modern world.
Also take notice of our funding needs:
Funding of GHCA’s work is another issue for the New Year. I know that nearly everyone is on a tighter budget than usual and some are desperate. However, we need some funding from those who can afford it. True, the IRS has not granted us a tax exemption, but even so, we need some significant operating funds. Please consider this in your end of the year giving. The simplest way to give is send a check made out to GHCA and mail it to:
12111 Attlee Dr.
Houston , TX 77077
Many thanks in advance for your help,
Also see our survey in the current newsletter.
See our Newsletter archive page here.
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