Future plans up soon!
Thursday, August 13, 2020 Webinar attendance only!
On Aug. 13, at 7 pm, CLICK THIS LINK, enter email, follow instructions:
Ancient Sumer and Before the Flood
For a very long time many authorities and leaders inside and outside the Christian community have asserted that they see no archaeological evidence of Biblical events from times before the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Lacking archaeological evidence has widely been taken as indicating everything much before David in the Bible is mythological. That means that there will be little interest in either creation science or Christian theology which flows out of Genesis. However, over the last two decades much has been discovered to provide specific archaeological evidence for a Babel dispersion of language groups and for the Biblical roles of Joseph, Jacob, Manasseh, and Ephraim in Egypt. In fact these produced the world’s first alphabetic language. But the archeological evidence still grows sparse for the Exodus through the Conquest of Canaan. See the current newsletter for more information.
On August 6th GHCA will go back before Nimrod and the tower of Babel event and take a look at Dr. Petrovich’s paper titled Identifying the “Sons of God” in Genesis 6:1–7. Just who and what were these? We will talk brief look at the Sumer King lists that include some who are claimed to predate the flood. What flood? What is known about these Sumerians and their strange legends
Webinar at 7 pm on 8/13/20. NO meeting in person for now.
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