The need for 2024 is $6000. Please help.
We have about 84% of that now with 16% to go.
GHCA has now adopted the Zelle bank funds transfer service. Zelle has become almost universally available at banks and credit unions because it is easy to use, transfers happen quickly and entail no fees. Your bank will provide instructions. OK, now go ahead, add GHCA to your recipient list. GHCA’s enrolled name is “Greater Houston Creation Association” our Nickname is “GHCA” and our enrolled email is “ “. Now that GHCA is in your recipient list you will not have to type that again, you can just select it with a single click/tap.
Unfortunately, there are still a few banks or credit unions that do not provide Zelle. You can still use old fashioned checks. Make out your check to GHCA, mail it to GHCA, 12111 Attlee Dr, Houston TX 77077.
Note that GHCA is not on the IRS tax exempt list, so, one cannot claim any kind of tax exemption for GHCA donation on their tax returns.
With your help with funding we will develop a stronger and more influential website and newsletter, and sponsor more major speakers and special events that draw audiences of 700 or a thousand. Is that not worth at least $50 in annual dues? The selected archive below shows what we have been doing. Some of our major events have drawn an audience of 700! Could we do an event for your church?
Our newsletters and videos shows what GHCA produces!
- Fingerprint of Intelligence – Thermodynamics and Information
- The Grand Illusion of Evoluion
- Logic and Reason of God and Creation
- The Big Bang of Mind
- The Big Bang of Information
- The Big Bangs of Creation
- Biochemistry and Origin of Life Apologetics
- The Discovery of Genesis in Chinese
- Creation Basic Training Course
- Creation and the Human Soul
- What is Creation Science ?
Recent GHCA Meeting Webinar Videos
- 9/5/24 – Roundtable Question & Answer Session
- 9/5/24 – Flood Theory Roundtable
- 9/1/24 – CPT presentation of Nathan
- 6/6/24 – Flood Theories Part 1: Hydroplate
- 2/1/24 – Dr. Andy McIntosh – The Fingerprint of Intelligence — Thermodynamics and Information
- 8/3/23 – Archaeologist Dr. Douglas Petrovich – Hebrew Invention of the Alphabet
- 7/6/23 – Archaeologist Dr. Douglas Petrovich – Ephraim and Manasseh in Egypt
- 5/4/23 – Archaeologist Dr. Douglas Petrovich – Locating the Post -Babel Dispersion
- 3/9/22 – Dr. Tim Clarey presents “Rock Data from 5 Continents Confirm a Progressive Global Flood” and Q&A – Houston’s First MidLink Bonus Night Part 2
- 3/9/22 – Dr. John Baumgardner presents “The Dominate Role of Rapid Plate Tectonics In the Genesis Flood” at Houston’s First MidLink Bonus Night Part 1